Tuesday, August 11, 2020

My favorite Time In The Day

 We were learning about how we can write a descriptive piece of writing about what our favorite time of the day is.

I found it easy to chose my favorite time of the day is.

I found it challenging to do a descriptive piece of writing.

Next time I will do a bit more writing of what my favorite time is in the day.


  1. Kia ora Tiana,
    My name is Sonnie I am from HPS.
    I also like night time because I can just relax and calm down, but I really hate when someone wakes me up. My question is what is your cats name I have two cats there names are Ven and Willow.
    Bye for now.

    1. Hi Sonnie this is the person who created this blog post
      I love night time and I have 2 cats actually one is called Alley and my other cat is called Toare:)
      Bye for now
      From Tiana


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