Tuesday, December 15, 2020

My instinct Brownie

Today for manianakaliane for the online holiday program for learning! We had to create our own insecte or place using basic thing like twigs,flowers,leaves and petals.

I made and instinct that is called Brownie I made the body out of brown twigs and I made the eyes out off appecorns. The great part about it is that it b summer to everyone and It pops out summer leaves like pohutukawa leaves ! My instinct lives till 13 years old and can grow as long as 30 cm long! 

I'm really happy about my instinct and I really liked how it was really creative! 



  1. Kia Ora Tiana,

    My name is Zana and I am a blog commenter from the Summer Learning Journey.

    Your insect is amazing, it looks just like a stick insect. I think the materials you used are very creative and make your insect look realistic. I like how you have set up your artwork with a blue background and leaves, it looks like your insect is laying outside!

    What was it like finding your materials and putting your insect together? Was it hard searching for all your materials, where did you find everything?

    Keep up the great work and I hope to see more of your posts over the summer.

    Ngā mihi nui,
    Zana Yates

  2. Kia ora Tiana,
    Congratulations on getting started on the Summer Learning Journey. After having the pleasure of coming into your class all year, I'm so excited to see you're making the most of the opportunity to do more wonderful blogging over the summer! You've nearly made it to fifty posts for the year! Insect is a tricky work to spell, isn't it? Remember you can use Google voice search by clicking the microphone on a new Google search page and speak the word to your Chromebook, to help you with tricky words like that. Keep up the great blogging, I'll be watching to see what you're up to next!
    Mrs Williams
    Tairāwhiti Facilitator

  3. Hello Tiana this is Tilly and I go to Awapuni school I really like your Insect Brownie I also like how you added details like how old they can live up to and that they grow to 30cm long I remember when we went to wild lab and had to create an invertebrate it is kind of like that. Maybe next time you could get really creative and add some clothes out of leafs. from Tilly


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